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Foreign NGOs call for opening of Aghdam-Khankendi road

The international campaign named "World for Peace in Caucasus" launched by a group of foreign NGOs and representatives of civil society on the international platform Jotform continues, Trend reports.

In an appeal to the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, it is recommended not to succumb to the provocations of Armenia and the remnants of the separatist regime, their political manipulations and to open the Aghdam-Khankendi road to ensure peace.

Those who joined the appeal believe that Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan should be able to correctly evaluate the positive messages of the Azerbaijani side and civil society for the sake of peace. The number of civil society representatives who signed the appeal from around the world reached 1,000 people. They represent 42 countries. A few days ago the number of these countries was 27.

Alhagi Manneh, Chairman of the UAid Foundation (Gambia), said he supports this initiative, emphasizing the importance of cooperation to achieve peace.

“I support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will certainly contribute to the government’s efforts to address sustainable development issues. Today I'm here to talk about peace. It is sad that today in many parts of the world there is violence and war. Therefore, we need to cooperate and achieve results and be more useful,” he said.

Ecaterina Bordeianu from Romania said that there is no need to artificially inflame tensions and stage a “blockade” and a “humanitarian crisis.”

“I have many friends in Azerbaijan, so I have been closely following developments in the region for many years. Allegations about the so-called “blockade” are not true. The Lachin road was intended solely for humanitarian purposes and not for illegal military activities or the transportation of natural resources from this territory,” she said.

Bordeianu recalled that the International Court of Justice rejected Armenia’s petition dated May 12, 2023 regarding the alleged “illegality” of the Azerbaijan's Lachin checkpoint and the demand for “the withdrawal of all Azerbaijani armed forces from the Lachin road.”

"It is impossible not to mention the fact that Armenia has repeatedly recognized Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan," she added.

Ayub Kara, founder and president of the Center for Economic Peace (Israel), expressed support for the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, which has sent food supplies for the needs of the Armenian population of Karabakh.

“As a former Israeli Minister of Communications, I support the efforts of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to deliver food to Karabakh and condemn those who try to obstruct this. I am doing everything to maintain peace in the South Caucasus,” he said.

President of the organization "Sustainable Business Development and Innovation in Africa" Edward Mwaba Ndalama from Zambia noted that people living in the South Caucasus region deserve peace.

"I support peace in the Caucasus. We need peace to be free, wherever they are. Without peace, it is impossible to ensure economic freedom," he added.

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